Safety Performance Tracking


Achieve 0 fatalities

0 employee or contractor fatalities

Achieve 0 fatalities

Meet or exceed 5% reduction in All-Injury Frequency Rate (AIFR)

Reduced AIFR by 24% to 1.22. Lowest in company history, far exceeding 5% goalFurther reduce AIFR by 5%
5% Short-Term Incentive Program (STIP) goal

37% reduction in total noncompliance violations since 2018Further reduce STIP goal by 5%
Implement plans at each site to manage COVID-19 to protect worker health with minimal disruption to operations

Implemented comprehensive health and safety protocols at each mine, including quarantines and rapid testing at our Greens Creek operationIncorporate plans into long-term safety and health protocols at each site

Additional 2021 Focus Areas

  • Each site to implement Hecla’s Zero Tolerance standard (immediately terminable offenses)
  • Complete at each site an internal audit of Hecla Safety and Health Management System
  • Develop COVID-19 Fatigue Management Program