Hecla supports fundamental human rights in all our operations, including our supply chain, and in all jurisdictions in which it conducts business. We operate in countries where human rights laws are respected and promoted. Our Human Rights Statement discusses our commitment to conduct business in a manner consistent with the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
Our Casa Berardi mine has been verified as being compliant in accordance with the Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) Protocol on the Prevention of Child and Forced Labor by an external auditor. While risks related to forced labor are typically low in Canada, Hecla has implemented the preventative measures.
We seek to work with suppliers who share our values and ethical standards. Suppliers are also expected to adhere to the Hecla Code of Conduct, which describes expectations for all suppliers, vendors, and third-party contractors to act ethically when conducting business on Hecla’s behalf. In our Supplier Code of Conduct, we also ask them to commit to respecting fundamental human rights in their own companies and supply chains.