Hecla’s commitment to providing educational and workforce development opportunities benefits our communities and our company.
Hecla’s commitment to providing educational and workforce development opportunities benefits our communities and our company.
Hecla’s Greens Creek mine is the largest provider of student aid at the University of Alaska Southeast (UAS). Hecla is a key partner with the UAS Center for Mine Training for the Pathway to Mining Careers workforce development program which focuses on educating, recruiting, and training Alaskans for careers in the mining industry.
Hecla also offers scholarships to promising students in relevant careers, often leading to hiring the students for full-time positions upon graduation.
The University of Quebec in Abitibi-Témiscamingue and Hecla Quebec have partnered for over 11 years to support students through the UQAT Foundation (Fondation de l’Université du Québec en Abitibi- Témiscamingue). Since 2009, Hecla Quebec has donated over $2 million to the Foundation thanks to a grant of $1 CAD per ounce of gold produced at the Casa Berardi Mine. The Foundation promotes and supports the accessibility, pursuit, and success of university studies for UQAT students.
In 2023, Hecla Quebec hired 13 graduates from the Mineral Extraction program at the James Bay Vocational Training Center. The program allows students to perform the practical part of their training at the Casa Berardi mine.
Hecla Quebec partners with the James Bay and Lac Abitibi Vocational Training Centers on a training program for mine mechanics. We have hired eight of the program’s ten graduates to date.
Hecla’s operating mines offer internship programs.