
Operating long-lived mines has allowed us to develop deep and mutually beneficial partnerships between our company and the communities in which we operate. Through the continued growth of our responsible mining operations, we play a critical role in the economic health and social development of our local communities.

Local Communities

Hecla is the largest private-sector employer and taxpayer in Juneau, Alaska, near our Greens Creek mine and the second largest private employer in Shoshone County, Idaho, which is home to our 80-year old Lucky Friday mine. We are also one of the largest employers and taxpayers at our other locations in Nevada, Quebec, and Durango, Mexico.

  • In 2023, our work makes a direct economic impact of more than $855 million in wages, benefits, payment of taxes and license fees, purchase of goods and services, and local donations and contributions in communities whose combined total population is less than 100,000 people.
  • The funds that go to local governments and community organizations support schools, hospitals, roads and other essential infrastructure, along with vital economic development like job creation and skills training.
  • More than one indirect job is created by each direct Hecla job. This leads to more than 3,000 workers in the local communities.
Hecla mining workers at the job site taking a group photo

Hecla’s partnership with their local communities.

Engaging with Community Stakeholders

We engage with stakeholders at all our sites during the mining life cycle to be a constructive partner in the communities where we operate and deepen our understanding of local concerns and issues. We communicate about our operations through a variety of methods including community meetings, local and social media, and flyers, providing all materials in the local language and translating when necessary. We also work with local stakeholders to identify opportunities for the Hecla Charitable Foundation to provide support for community initiatives.

Hecla mining workers at the job site
Development, Design & Permitting
Reclamation & Closure
  • Designate a person within Hecla to be the point person on community relationships
  • Conduct analysis of community social economic landscape to identify population and community dynamics
  • Identify and communicate with key stakeholders
  • Spearhead initiatives to include local and Indigenous Nations in community engagement and workforce development activities (e.g., Agreement with Gitanyow Band in British Columbia)
Development, Design & Permitting
  • Hold public and community meetings about project permitting, including project scoping and public comment period
  • Establish community advisory groups
  • Conduct social-economic impact assessments
  • Collaborate with local stakeholders
  • Refine giving strategy for Hecla Charitable Foundation
  • Negotiate development/operations agreements as appropriate with community and Indigenous Nations
  • Continue stakeholder collaboration
  • Establish community-facing communications tools such as Facebook page for mine site
  • Recruit employees from local geographic region whenever possible through local advertising and job fairs
  • Implement training programs and partnerships with local community and government agencies
  • Communicate and work with all local stakeholders
  • Hold community information meetings which include reporting on environmental, social, and economic performance
  • Implement operation agreements as appropriate with community and Indigenous Nations (e.g., Collaboration Agreement with Pikokan First Nations in Quebec)
Reclamation & Closure
  • Hold community informational meetings about closure plan
  • Partner as appropriate with Indigenous Nations for closure work (e.g., native plant nursery with Kootenai-Salish Confederated Tribes in Montana and drill pad reclamation in Nevada with the Western Shoshone Band)
  • Implement closure plan and monitor impacts
Hecla sustainability report 2023 cover image

2023 Hecla Sustainability Report

Visit our 2023 Sustainability Report to learn more about the protocols and committees we use to communicate with stakeholders about our operations and ESG performance.

Greens Creek Community Advisory Committee

At our Greens Creek mine, we established the Greens Creek Community Advisory Committee (CAG), a collaborative effort with our local stakeholders to ensure that input from the community is considered in the environmental and social aspects of the mine’s planning and operations. In 2023, the group included a representative of the Angoon community, the Mayor of Juneau, the Executive Director of the Greater Juneau Chamber of Commerce, local business representatives, and the Chancellor of the University of Alaska Southeast (UAS).

Casa Berardi site

Casa Berardi Mine Liaison Committee

The Casa Berardi utilizes a Mine Liaison Committee to facilitate communication with our local stakeholders and partners. The Committee shares any concerns that arise, contributes to finding solutions, and takes part in the continuous improvement of our activities. In 2023, the Committee included representatives of the Abitibiwinni First Nation, a local youth center, the local business chamber of AbitibiOuest, the local township administration, the James Bay Regional Administration, a watershed organization, a regional university, and two citizens.

At Casa Berardi, we participate in the Mining Association of Canada’s Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) initiative, a globally recognized sustainability program that requires participants to demonstrate a commitment to identifying and engaging with communities of interest and facilitating meaningful dialogue regarding key environmental and social considerations related to mining.

Learn more about our commitment to our local communities: