Some Hecla operations are situated near species that require accommodations for migration or nesting. Greater sage-grouse and woodland caribou are among the neighbors we pay special attention to, along with bald eagles, other raptors, and other migratory birds.
In 2023, we conducted three raptor surveys at our Aurora, Nevada site to ensure our exploration would not encroach on nesting birds. The site has habitats for golden eagles, hawks, and owls. We survey as needed for migratory birds as well and relocate our drilling pad if we find a nest. Some of our Nevada sites are located near the breeding areas (leks) of greater sage-grouse and bi-state sage grouse, two near threatened species that are in decline primarily due to habitat loss. We perform annual surveys at those sites and seek ways to improve the greater sage-grouse’s habitat wherever possible. At our Fire Creek exploration site, Hecla developed a Greater Sage Grouse Habitat Improvement Plan in collaboration with the BLM and the grazing permittee.